Overcome low self-esteem

Low self-esteem refers to the perception of oneself as insufficient, unacceptable, undeserving, unlovable, or incapable. Such beliefs give rise to negative, self-critical thoughts that impact one’s actions and decision-making, often exacerbating low self-esteem.

Deborah Ward suggests that by employing mindfulness techniques, individuals can acquire the ability to objectively observe situations, others, and themselves, free from the negative influence of past experiences and with a recognition of their inherent freedom to choose. Here are ten uncomplicated approaches to surmounting low self-esteem and cultivating a greater sense of self-assurance.

10 ways to overcome low-self esteem and be more confident

1. Live in the moment

By directing your attention to the present, you gain the ability to make deliberate and judicious choices, untethered from the wounds of the past and unburdened by concerns or aspirations for the future.

In our fast-paced modern lives, mastering the art of living in the present can prove to be quite challenging. More often than not, we find ourselves pulled in countless directions, besieged by a multitude of distractions. Whether it’s the anxiety over an impending deadline or incessantly analyzing a conversation from earlier in the day, our minds are constantly buzzing with a myriad of thoughts.

Living in the present entails acquiring the skill to momentarily halt the incessant mental chatter, slowing down, and immersing oneself in the sensations and experiences unfolding in the present moment.

2. Be aware of your emotions

By being mindful, we gain the ability to acknowledge and discern our responses and reactions to our own fears, creating a space between our emotions and our subsequent actions. Read about mindfulness exercises you can do.

The next instance when you experience doubt or uncertainty, stemming from low self-esteem or confidence, make a conscious effort to identify and acknowledge the emotions you are experiencing. This newfound awareness empowers you to opt for a healthier and more constructive response, rather than fixating on the negativity and permitting it to overwhelm you.

3. Write your thoughts in a journal when struggling with low self-esteem

Writing has the potential to unearth numerous thoughts and emotions residing within our subconscious mind, enabling us to bring them into conscious awareness. Expressing our feelings and thoughts through writing can facilitate the separation of negative notions about ourselves from the authentic essence of our being.

If you find yourself grappling with low self-esteem, procure a notebook and diligently pen down your precise emotions. During this initial phase, refrain from revisiting or revising your words; simply allow your thoughts to flow onto the page. Once you have finished, take some time to peruse your written expressions and observe any detrimental beliefs you hold about yourself. Subsequently, endeavor to trace the origins of these false convictions, enabling you to dismantle these negative thought patterns and cultivate greater confidence in your genuine self.

4. Be non-judgemental when your self-esteem is low

Low self-esteem often originates from subjecting oneself to excessively harsh judgment. Recall the previous journaling exercise: if you discovered a multitude of negative judgments about yourself in your writing, take a moment to pause and reflect. Would you apply such severe criticism to someone else? Most likely, the answer is no. So, why subject yourself to such relentless judgment?

Embracing a non-judgmental outlook allows us to accept ourselves, our experiences, our triumphs and failures, and others just as they are, free from categorizations of good or bad, devoid of pride or shame. Shifting your mindset to one that is less judgmental serves as an effective approach to tackling low self-esteem and fostering self-assurance.

5. Stay connected to yourself to be more confident

Mindfulness entails directing your attention and awareness to the present moment, unfettered by internal and external distractions. Regular practice of mindfulness can facilitate the cultivation of a deeper connection with oneself.

Furthermore, it can aid in diminishing people-pleasing tendencies, which often manifest in individuals with low self-esteem. By enabling you to break free from automatic thinking and behavior, mindfulness empowers you to pause, reflect, and consider your own needs instead of constantly seeking approval from others.

6. Practice mindful meditation to overcome low self-esteem

Meditation involves releasing the incessant thoughts that race through your mind and acknowledging that those thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are fleeting experiences rather than permanent aspects of your being. Dedicate a few moments each day to embrace stillness, center your attention on your breath, and witness your concerns gracefully dissipate like passing clouds.

If you’re not sure where to start, why not try the following mindfulness exercise: Body Scan, Breath Awareness, Five Senses Exercise, Mindful Eating, Walking Meditation, and Loving-Kindness Meditation

7. Participate in your own life to be more confident

Mindfulness fosters a proactive and empowered approach to shaping our lives. By cultivating awareness of our thoughts and consciously selecting our responses, we gain the ability to actively engage and contribute to our own life experiences. This active participation enables us to transcend low self-esteem and cultivate a greater sense of confidence in our authentic selves.

8. Develop a beginner’s mind

Embracing a beginner’s mind entails perceiving things as if encountering them for the first time, characterized by openness, curiosity, and freedom from preconceptions. However, as time passes, our perception becomes obscured by our beliefs, biases, and judgments.

Through purposefully adopting a beginner’s mindset, you can approach situations with fresh perspectives, liberated from the constraints of habitual patterns of behavior. This simple shift allows you to view yourself in a renewed light, unfettered by the clouded lens of low self-esteem, thereby opening up new possibilities for personal growth and self-acceptance.

9. Improve low self-esteem by letting go

Non-attachment, the pinnacle of mindfulness, involves the act of letting go. Frequently, when we contemplate the ideal version of ourselves or the “correct” way of thinking, we become entangled in an endless cycle of uncertainty, plagued by persistent “what ifs” as we fret over making the “wrong” decisions.

Nevertheless, when we release the grip on preconceived notions of what we ought to do or who we should become, we open the door to self-trust and enhance our confidence in making choices that align with our individual needs and values. By relinquishing these expectations, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

10. Show compassion toward yourself

Lastly, if you find yourself grappling with low self-esteem, take a moment to reaffirm that you are deserving of love, just like anyone else. Practicing self-compassion involves granting yourself the love, security, and acceptance that you require. This practice, in turn, has the potential to replace low self-esteem with a profound sense of confidence and self-esteem.

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